Nightingale save services at All Hallows Healthcare Trust (June 2019)
Nightingale Homecare has been selected as the preferred Partner for All Hallows Trust (AHHT). Nightingale Homecare were chosen from 10 other providers to transfer Services from the Trust. The Trust Committee evaluated the bid based on Quality and experience to safely and successfully transfer the 60 staff and 115 Service users in Beccles, Ditchingham, Bungay, Lowestoft and surrounding villages.
Nightingale Director Chris Long said ‘We are delighted that we have been chosen to continue the excellent support delivered by AHHT. Nightingale has an excellent reputation for delivering high quality support services and we welcome all the AHHT staff to our team. We will deliver a smooth transition for any individuals supported by the Trust and will address any concerns any Service Users have regarding the transfer. The transfer of Services allows the company to offer Services in Suffolk Waveney and merges onto our Norfolk Services run from our Brooke office’
New Office at Nightingale Beccles herald new beginning for former All Hallows Homecare Services (September 2019)
Following the successful transfer of the former All Hallows Homecare Services to Nightingale Homecare in June 2019 we are pleased to announce the opening of the new Nightingale Homecare Office at Beccles. All of the homecare Staff and Services previously operating from the All Hallows Hospital at Ditchingham have now been successfully transferred to a new dedicated homecare office at 39A Smallgate, Beccles. This move will ensure that the Nightingale Homecare Beccles has it’s own individual identity and it’s own direction which will allow our Beccles office to grow and prosper in the Beccles and Bungay areas while at the same time expanding on our range of services and the geographical areas of operations.
New Offices at Nightingale Lowestoft for former All Hallows Homecare Services (November 2019)
Following the successful transfer of the former All Hallows Homecare Services to Nightingale Homecare in June 2019 we are pleased to announce the opening of the new Nightingale Homecare Office at Lowestoft. Previously the Homecare Services were being operated from managed offices at Riverside, Lowestoft which did not allow the services to have their own identity with their local presence being little known in the Lowestoft area. Following this move into new offices at 189 London Road North, Lowestoft this has now been completely changed with these new offices displaying the Nightingale Homecare purple branding which is clearly visible to anyone passing either by road or on foot. These new offices have been designed to our specification so as to meet all of the needs for our services as well while also allowing us to establish our presence in Lowestoft. Nightingale Homecare Lowestoft now has it’s own individual identity and it’s own direction for the future, part of which is to expand our range of services and our geographical areas of operations.
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Nightingale Homecare Norfolk Limited
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